20 Jul

In this blog, you will learn about the difference between java vs kotlin. So, let's get started. Over the last few years, Kotlin has been overtaking Java's importance in the Android development field. This can be seen in the migration of most developers from Java to Kotlin, which is a younger and more elegant language. Is Kotlin, on the other hand, truly superior to Java? , what makes it so special that it has piqued the curiosity of major parties like Google's Android team? Why is it important to compare Kotlin vs Java?

This essay will look at the facts surrounding these topics in order to find clear and pertinent solutions. We'll start with an introduction of the most significant aspects of Android app development, followed by an examination of what distinguishes Kotlin from Java, their commonalities, and other equally important matters like Kotlin's community and support.

An outline of the essentials for developing an Android app

Let's have a look at some of the most important aspects of developing an Android app. For those who are new to Android development, this should serve as a decent place to start, as well as a refresher for those who have past and extensive expertise. Android development is centred on programming languages, Software Development Kits (SDKs), and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Programming language

The variety of programming languages involved with Android development reflects how this genre of software has progressed through time. Java, Kotlin, C/C++, C#, HTML, Javascript, and CSS are among them. Due to their user-friendly nature, profundity, and better level of practicability, Kotlin and Java stand out as today's most favoured languages. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


Java is a general-purpose programming language that is object-oriented, class-based, and platform neutral, according to textbook definitions. It essentially gives developers the ability to write and compile code that will work on all Java platforms, removing the need for rewriting and recompiling.

Java programmes are written in Bytecode, which is an object-oriented programming language that is compiled and run on a virtual machine (VM). The Bytecode can be run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which will then convert it to a machine language that the CPU can understand. Because Bytecode is a platform-independent language that can be understood and run on any Java Virtual Machine, this is crucial for Java's platform interoperability.

Java's syntax is quite similar to those of C and C++, with the exception that it has the depth of a lower level language. Java is the official programming language for Android development at the moment.


kotlin-vs-java-kotlin-devathon.jpg Since its inception, Java has been the undisputed official language for Android development until roughly 2017, when Android recognised Kotlin as an official language as well. The new official language was created by Jetbrains, a software development business, and had been in the works since 2010. Kotlin is a programming language that runs on the JVM and is clearly influenced by Java, Scala, and C#. In a study of over 100,000 developers performed by Stack Overflow, Kotlin was ranked as the second most popular Android programming language.

The Kotlin programming language is fully compatible with Java. To put it another way, you don't have to toss out that fantastic Java library because it can simply be utilised with Kotlin. Java code can be called and utilised from Kotlin code, and vice versa. This means that your Kotlin apps can use a range of Java libraries and frameworks. The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Kotlin includes tools like Android Studio, which includes a built-in Kotlin-Java converter.

Kotlin programmes are typically 30-40% shorter than their Java counterparts, making them more concise and understandable.

Software development kit (SDK)

A Software Development Kit (SDK) is a collection of software development tools for creating apps for a certain platform. Developers can use many SDKs to include unique features and functionality into their applications. Specific SDKs come in handy when developing platform-specific apps. Java apps, for example, necessitate a Java Development Kit, whereas an iOS app necessitates an iOS Development Kit.


The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a collection of tools for creating Java apps and applets. The Java Interpreter, a compiler (javac), an archiver, and other tools are all essential components. The Software Development Kit (SDK) is used in conjunction with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE), completing the Java programming trinity. JRE and JDK are frequently confused, especially by those who are new to these programmes. JRE is the component that allows Java programmes and applets to run. JDK, on the other hand, refers to the entire package that is utilised to create Java programmes.

Application programming interface (API)

In the context of Java, an Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of prewritten packages, classes, and interfaces that perform a range of key programming activities to help reduce the amount of code required to construct an application. Official, optional official, and unofficial APIs are the three main categories of Java APIs.

As part of the Java Development Kit, official APIs are included. Official APIs can be downloaded if desired, however Unofficial APIs are third-party APIs that can be found on a variety of websites. Input/out, graphics, and Applets are all instances of official API packages.

What is the same regardless of Java or Kotlin?

Despite the fact that there are some significant distinctions between the two languages, three things remain consistent regardless of the language in issue. To begin with, the Bytecode used by the two programming languages is identical. Second, like Java, Kotlin does the same compile-time and extra tests. As a result, they can both run on the Java Virtual Machine at the same time. Finally, Java-based programmes can use the same libraries and frameworks as Kotlin-based programmes.

Why did Android decide to make Kotlin available?

Because of three primary criteria, Kotlin has risen from obscurity to become Google's approved language for Android development:

  • New and improved features.
  • Syntax has been simplified.
  • Compatibility with the widely used Java programming language.

The language was born out of a desire to simplify Java's syntax without losing the language's richness. A number of variants were released between 2011 and 2016, each with a modest following. Version 1.1 added more functionality, features, and support to the language, making it more suitable for sophisticated applications. Kotlin was named the Android team's first-class language during Google's 2017 I/O conference.

Kotlin brevity and readability 

When looking at the Kotlin code, it appears to be a reduced version of Java. In general, Kotlin eliminates boilerplate syntax from variable declaration, classes, and functions. Its code is also cleaner because it doesn't use n  semicolons. The overall structure has also been significantly simplified. Kotlin data classes, for example, do away with most of the verbosity seen in Java classes like constructors, mutators, and builders.

Kotlin classes may simply be declared in a single line, making the code shorter and easier to understand. Furthermore, Kotlin has a security advantage because nulls are forbidden unless you use the? to set aside nullable types if they must be used.

Kotlin support 

Kotlin has a thriving community as well as online libraries and documentation. Let's have a look at these features and see what they have to offer.

Kotlin community 

The official Kotlin language community website is a wonderful location for new developers to start because it provides a reliable supply of online Kotlin information as well as a forum for developers to share and support each other through talks and special events. The site includes resources maintained completely by the Kotlin community, such as Kotlin.link, which provides a list of relevant links to a variety of Kotlin libraries and projects, and Kotlin Weekly, which provides relevant news and articles on Kotlin. Developers.android.com and the jetbrains.com community are two other significant web platforms for further materials and interaction.


Developers may get started with Kotlin native libraries by going to the natives page on the official website's reference section. The tutorials section also has a part dedicated to showing developers how to use Kotlin as a dynamic library and how to publish Kotlin libraries. Glide, Dagger 2, Retrofit 2, and the Realm database are just a few of the prominent libraries available.


Beginners can find the proper tools on the official site to get started with Kotlin documentation. Basic grammar rules, idioms, and invoking Java code from Kotlin are all covered in the documentation section.

A well-designed module in the basic Syntax part introduces users to Kotlin packages, functions, variables, and string templates. Basics such as generating DTOs, default values for functional arguments, filters, and string interpolations are available for idioms. Finally, users can practise using keywords in Kotlin getters, setters, and methods.

Finding development talent for kotlin 

Software development businesses, in addition to traditional recruiting, are one of the finest ways to obtain world-class experience in Kotlin-based software development. Devathon, for example, has a lot of experience developing Kotlin-based apps for both startups and enterprise clients.

Outsourcing from reliable web sites such as Toptal and Upwork are other options for finding Kotlin talent. Some startups have used these platforms to attract competent teams, which they manage using popular team management software like Trello, Slack, and Asana.


Because of its simplicity and added depth, Kotlin is undoubtedly the greatest solution for both novices and experienced developers. Given its growing acceptability and reputation among significant participants in the Android development industry, Kotlin appears to be on the verge of displacing Java. However, this is not a foregone conclusion, as Java cannot be totally abandoned due to a number of features that Kotlin has yet to meet.

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