18 Dec

Every citizen has several rights. The law is an essential part of the law in the Constitution. The Constitution is a basic state law that provides for rules governing the state and defines the rights and responsibilities of states and citizens. In this blog, you'll learn about the different types of law in the world.

What Is Law?

The law is a structure of rules developed by society and government to deal with crime, trade agreements and social relations. A set of rules of action is determined by controlling the guaranteed power and legal force.

Types Of Law

There are many laws, the most important of which are:

Criminal Law

Criminal law is a form of law that defines criminal damage, regulates the assessment, charges and trial of a suspect, and defines the penalties and treatment methods applied to convicted criminals.Criminalism is only one of the tools through which organized societies protect the security of individual interests and ensure the survival of the group. The family, school and religion have begun standards of conduct, office and factory;Criminal cases are divided into two types:

  • Felony: This is an offence punishable by more than one year' imprisonment. Common include murder, theft, treason and kidnapping.
  • Misdemeanor: It is an offence of one year or less in prison. The year includes petty theft, driving under the influence of alcohol and minor possession of alcohol.

Civil Law

Civil law is part of the state or nation law that manages ordinary personal matters, and is different from laws governing criminal, political and military cases. Examples of scandal, breach of contract and property damage.In civil cases, the penalty always contains a financial reward and never consists of imprisonment, and defendants are not entitled to the same legal protection as criminal defendants.


Common law is a form of law that is not written on the basis of court precedents. Common law affects decision-making in unusual cases where the outcome cannot be determined based on current laws or written rules of law.Common law system features:

  • There will not always be a codified or written constitution.
  • Judicial decisions issued in the highest court can usually only be formed by the same court.
  • Everything that is not particularly prohibited by law is permitted.

Statutory Law

Legislative laws are written rules approved by the legislature. The law may require a specific procedure, prohibit it, or act as a declaration of intent, or a blueprint for how the government operates in certain circumstances. Laws are written laws that are drawn up through legislation that reflects the will of the legislature. This comes in the form of bills or actions.Different types of positive law are:

  • Declaratory statutes
  • Remedial statutes
  • Temporary statutes
  • Perpetual statutes
  • Affirmative statutes
  • Personal statutes
  • Real statutes

Employment Laws

The Employment Code regulates the relationship between employers and employees. It controls what employers can expect from employees, what employers can ask employees to do, and employee rights at work. It can refer to everything from your consent to laws that protect against discrimination and unfair dismissal.What does the Employment law cover?

  • Age discrimination
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Disability
  • Employment contract
  • Equal pay
  • Parental leave
  • Minimum wage


In this blog, we discussed the types of law. We hope that the information we provide you in this blog will be useful to you. If you need Law Assignment Help then feel free to contact us.

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